Have you heard we have a new Children's Consignment Sale in the area? Birds of a Feather Seasonal Children's Consignment Sale located conveniently in West Memphis Arkansas, features gently-used items for baby, children, juniors and maternity needs. Toys, furniture, indoor and outdoor gear, clothing and everything children would need at a fraction of retail price. Consignors receive 70% of their total sales, and checks are available on pick-up day.
Don't miss out on these grand opening specials:
Jetterbugs monogramming is selling over 600 items. She has some awesome prices on her new Holiday Items for the grand opening special.
Kasey Mcalpin Photography: $40 20 minute session, CD of 15 edited images. Consignors will get a $10 discount on their sessions.
What: Birds of a Feather Seasonal Children's Consignment Sale
When: Aug. 1st 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
Aug. 2nd 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Aug. 3rd 9 a.m.- 3 p.m.
Where: St. Michael’s Catholic School
405 N. Missouri Street
West Memphis, AR 72301
I am so excited to share, Birds of a Feather is offering one lucky My Memphis Mommy reader a $30 gift certificate. Enter here now:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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