February 26, 2013

Tricks for Creating a Comfortable Car for Family Travel

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Here is a great article from awesome reader Amanda Brown to help make your next Family road trip more comfortable.

Your family car is usually the cheapest, most convenient, and least difficult vehicle to take on your next vacation. While you may be limited to a hundred miles or so around, this is still a great way to see your area and find out how close you actually are to fun things and great times. The following are a few ways you can make your car into a comfortable mode of vacation transportation.

Clean Inside and Outside

There is something about cleanliness that makes almost anyone feel more comfortable. Just ask sheridannissan.com and they'll tell you that people feel better about clean cars regardless of every other factor. When the outside of the car is clean, you won't have to worry about your family rubbing against it and getting dirt on their clean clothes.

While that isn't a big deal most of the time, getting dirt all over you every time to you touch your car gets annoying. Also, don't forget to vaccuum and remove any junk, paper, pieces of food, and other debris from the inside.

Make Sure Your Car Works Well

Keeping your car working well ensures that you and your family don't have to abort your trip half way through because you are broken down on the side of the road. This includes getting your engine checked beforehand, checking your washer fluid and oil levels, and being certain that every system in your car is in good shape before you leave. If a loose belt or a mysterious whirr or clicking will irritate you on the road, get it taken care of so it won't be an issue.

Make the Seats Feel Great

If you want to feel festive, put down some bright blankets. But you can do so much more than that. You can put down seat heaters and massagers, beaded seat covers, and head/neck rests to help your back and neck feel good the whole way.

Put Good Sounds on a Good System

You don't need to spend thousands of dollars on a sound system that can scare your neighbors. A small upgrade to your car's basic sound system is money well spent and a great way to improve your road trips. Another great addition is a solid supply of good music. It will help keep you and your family calm and happy on the way. While peppy music will tend to help you stay awake during a long trip, calming music will help the kids stay sedate and cool.

Keep Shade Handy

Nothing annoys most people like too much sun. It makes you hot, sweaty, and irritable. If you can, get your windows tinted to the legal limit. You can also buy extra shades to put in the back windows so your kids won't roast and then complain the whole time.

There are some inexpensive and simple things you can do to make every trip that much more comfortable. With these little tasks accomplished, your trips are going to be a lot more fun for everyone in the car.

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