September 14, 2012

Walmart Coupon Policy Changes

As of September 1, 2012 Wal-Mart has made some changes internally which are not listed on their coupon policy due to being a procedural changes for employees to follow.

Here are the changes.

1. All Walmart Register systems were updated to accept the GS1 Date bar Codes.

2. All coupons must be scanned on the flatbed scanners, the handheld scanners are not supposed to be used any longer.

3. The coupon must scan, Cashiers/CSM's or Managers are not allowed to override or manually enter coupons.

4. If a coupon does not scan they are instructed to return the coupon to you. This applies to Printable Coupons and newspaper insert coupons.

To view the full coupon policy visit

I have shopped at Walmart this week and did not have any problems with my coupons. Have you experienced any new issues? Let us know what you think of these changes.

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