Woo-hoo! My hubby's truck is a gas guzzler that's why I was so excited to only pay $2.69/gallon of gas recently! You can get this great deal, too, by using Kroger's 4x Points gift card deal! The 4x Fuel Points deal runs through June 19th... and right now Kroger is doubling what they will allow you to use! It used to be that you could use a maximum of 1,000 points ($1 off/gallon)... but right now they are allowing you to use 2,000 fuel points ($2 off/gallon)!!!
This is what I did:
I bought these gift cards at Kroger recently:
$100 gift card to Shell Gas Station to fill hubby's truck = 400 points (40¢ off per gallon)
$25 gift card to Target for catfood and dogfood = 100 points (10¢ off per gallon)
Total Points: 500 points Total Savings: 50¢ off per gallon of gas!
In Bartlett, Kroger's gas was $3.19/gallon
Use 50¢/gallon rewards
Final Price: $2.69/gallon
For more information about the Kroger Fuel Program, click here!

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