So here's the deal couponing friends ;0) The economy is tough for many here in the Mid-South. People are becoming more conscious of how much $$ they spend but at the same time, many of us want to feed our families GREAT food which on a tight budget can be challenging. But when we all WORK TOGETHER and share the deals we find!
Now that I am not blogging I am the first to admit I have failed Dawn in this a bit (thus this rambling plea of a post). I find great things like this but then for lack of time I find I forget to send it to her. I am going to do better! Will you join me?? ;0)
Please if you find a good deal and have a photo awesome (even without a photo it is ok) send it in an e-mail to with SHOPPING FIND in the subject line.
Please list WHICH STORE you found it in, if there was a huge quantity left and if any coupons were used in your deal! It is fine to post this kind of thing on Memphis Mommy facebook but we HIGHLY recommend (beg really) that you e-mail it first, as with facebook we can easily miss it and it gets "buried" quickly! When it is posted to the site, there is then a way people can see it when they click on "Kroger" on the side bar etc. and it will also be seen in the daily e-mail digest many people receive. If you only put it on facebook then the thousands of e-mails subscribers will not see it.
We will try to find a prize that would motivate people again to start sending in their shopping finds (that was super fun) but until then I know Dawn would greatly appreciate the deals being sent her way!!!

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*Please support this site by using the provided links when ordering from your favorite places or printing your coupons. Thank you!
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