We have a coupon swap at the Cordova Library this Friday, February 17th!! Will you be joining us??
February 17th is our Corodva Library Swap!! This is at the Cordova Library Conference Room EVERYONE IS WELCOME (Kiddos TOO) from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
These are sneaking upon us and making a different facebook invite each month seems redundant so I have created a Cordova Library Coupon Swap Facebook Group.
If you want info about the coupon swap then I would suggest you "join the group" which I think means you have to "friend" Memphis Mommy. I will try to "approve" people as quick as I can, I made it an open group but I still think I may have to "approve" you once. I think in the long run this will work best as then if there is a specific coupon you are looking for you ask others for it etc!
Do you live in Olive Branch? Click here to join a group that meets each month to swap coupons.
Where is this?
in the conference room at the Cordova library, the library opens at exactly 10:00 so no need to arrive early.
Can kids attend?
YES, please plan to watch them and their sweet little crumbs ;0) I will provide blocks!
Do I have to come right at 10 a.m. or stay the whole time?
NO THIS IS AN OPEN TO ANYBODY to drop in or stay the whole time event!!!
How many coupons do I need to bring?
ACTUALLY NONE, if you don't have any, no worries, we will have plenty!! If you bring coupons there is no need to have them cut or sorted.
So how exactly does this work?
I will have about 30 numbered folders, if you have any coupons you are not using, simply put them in a folder, we sit at tables and pass the folders around and you take what you want!! No need to cut or sort your unwanted coupons.
Anything else I can bring to swap?
Yes you can bring coupons city books or books themselves.
What else should I bring?
You can bring your coupon folder/book etc. if you like and we can look at how different people organize coupons. You can bring scissors, I will have some as well!
If you have expired coupons that you have cut from the paper (not printables). You may give those to Janiece and she is happy to send them to OVER SEAS bases. She asks that:
You cut them, and separate them between household and grocery.
Only up to month old please!
Can I bring food/snacks? Yes please bring a snack to share!
NOTE: Please do plan to watch your kiddos carefully as the library has no vacuum, I may bring a picnic blanket for them, or if someone has a small hand vac they can bring please let me know!!
If people are able/willing to bring things like that it totally helps our kiddos (and us ;0) to stay occupied ;0)
Leave a comment if you are able to bring something (don't feel obligated), you decided based upon what you see others saying they are bringing, what you would like to bring.
Let me know if you have any questions, please feel free to invite friends etc. And if you have a teen who would be willing to volunteer to read, do crafts, play with the kids please e-mail and let me know (mymemphismommy@gmail.com)

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*Please support this site by using the provided links when ordering from your favorite places or printing your coupons. Thank you!
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