Remember the review I did of Lite Sprites? This toy has been super popular in our house not just with the kids but with Mark and I too ;0) We have had so much fun playing with Lite Sprites and I am super excited that one Memphis Mommy Reader will win their own Sprite and Wand toy! I predict this is going to be one of the TOP WANTED Christmas toys! It is so cool that the Lite Sprites can be used on items in your house to catch color and that other items are available to interact with it! We really really love this toy and I guessing your girls will too! This toy is suggested for girls age 4 and older!
Click here to enter your information on the form so if you win I can send my contact your mailing address quickly!
Please note I have to approve your comments so it may take even a few hours to appear as I really am not on my computer constantly though I know it seems like I am ;0)
This giveaway ENDS TONIGHT at 9:00 p.m. SO HURRY ENTER ENTER!!
Thanks to Lite Sprites for providing me with items for review and to giveaway but opinions expressed are entirely mine!

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I know my daughter would LOVE this for Christmas! She's seen them on TV and thought they were really cool! :)
I have 2 daughters that I know would LOVE this toy!
I have 4 girls, 7months - 7 years old. One of them will love this if not all of them. :) Thanks! kd
Hi Shauna, Hi, I would ♥love to win this for my little girl Ava who will be 5 next month. She looks at these every time we're in Walmart and loves watching the commercial. My hubby is in school and money is a little tight so this would be and awesome gift to give her for her birthday that's she's not expecting to get! :)
I NEED to win this! Hubby's salary cut will make shopping for our 4 kids nonexistent this year!
This toy sounds awesome. We love toys like this. Sounds like lots of fun for the kids and a little peace and quiet for mom!
My daughter would like this. Hope I win. Heather king h.k.
My daughter would love this!
My 6yr old daughter has autism. This toy would provide great sensory input for her!
J.Saperstein: I would love to win this prize for my niece for Christmas!
I would love to win this toy for my daughter Baylee. She will be 6 in two next month, and she wants this so bad, ever since she saw it on T.V. Her Birthday is close to Christmas so money is always really tight, but I always try to make sure her birthday gifts are given separate from her Christmas gifts. This would just add to giving her a great birthday! I hope I win, but who ever wins will love this toy. It looks so cool on T.V. ! Thank you ! :)
Oh my gosh, that's so cute! I'm so behind on the girly kids toys lately it's kind of silly. Honestly, I have a two-year-old -- I'm almost positive she would love this toy since she seems to love little fairy-like dolls. Of course, the age range it's aimed for is four, so if I did win this and I saw it wasn't age appropriate for my child I'm also looking for presents for my nieces and nephews. I have four nieces ages from four to eleven so I have plenty of options. :)
I would really love to win this toy! I have triplets and two of them are girls and one of them is special needs and she would love this toy!! Their birthday is also Dec 12! Birthday then Christmas means a lot of toys!!!
This would be a wonderful Christmas present for my daughter. I think she would love it!! K. Grant
I know my 10 year old would go bonkers over this.
The girls I babysit for would ADORE this toy! We always play princesses and the wand would certainly be useful to have!
V Cox
I would really love to win this toy set for my nieces. They would love to have this for Christmas!
R Cox
I know both of my daughter would love to have this toy. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
S. Schantz
This would be great to win for my daughter. Thanks for the opportunity!
This would be great to win for my daughter. Thanks for the Opportunity!
Heather G
I would like to win this because I know my little girl would love it. Thanks for having this giveaway.
I have seen these and they look really cool! I have a son and a daughter and bc he is older she has her toys and his to play with, but this would be an awesome toy just for her! Hope I get a chance! Thank you!
I would LOVE to win this for my daughter!
J Johnson
This would be great to give as a birthday present to my daughter, she will be two in just three weeks!
Ben Johnson
I would love to win this for my daughter, this would be something totally unexpected for her
I saw this toy on TV and thought it woud be a great way teach colors to my daughter. I can see her running through the house to7ching things and learning colors at the same time. This would be a great Christmas gift.
My grand daughter is already asking for these for Christmas. So I just have to win.
clenna at aol dot com
I would love to win this for my 4 year old! She is going through a fairy princess and magic phase. This would be the perfect toy for a fairy, a princess, a magician and whatever else her vivid imagination can think of!
My daughter is getting to the age (7) where she's played with all kinds of toys and little is impressing her anymore. I feel this toy is so unique, nothing out there like it, so she will have loads of fun with it. She loves the fairy type books and movies so I know she would enjoy this. If I win it, I'll save it for her birthday in December!!
I think that my daughter would love this and it would also help her to get ready for pre-k next year.
How cute! I know my little girl would love this.
I have a son, but my niece would love this for Christmas! She is a girly girl and loves fairies. Sound like a wonderful toy that encourages imagination.
K Parrish
I know all of my girls would love playing with this! It would definitely be one of their Christmas gifts.:-)
I'd love this for my little girl as she loves fairies like crazy and this would be a great Christmas gift.
I would love to win this for my classroom . My second grade students would really be good to win this! It looks fun!
I have a 5yr old & a 2yr old who have already begged for this!!! It would so awesome
e to have one ready for Christmas!!
My daughter will be 4 this December, exactly a week before Christmas. Every morning when this toy is on commercial she practically begs for it. I recently quit my job of 5 years to go to nursing school and money has been tight. With her birthday being a week before Christmas it makes things even tighter. This has been the only thing she has been asking for and it would make her DAY special.
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