If you are new to couponing you may want to read Couponing 101. If you are new to Kroger you can view Kroger Coupon Policy here. Kroger in Memphis and surrounding areas doubles 7 days a week up to $.60!
NOTE THAT KROGER BOUGHT OUT Schnucks here in the Mid-South. Four of the Schnucks stores are re-opening as Kroger stores this Sunday, click here to read more!
There is a limit of 8 of the same coupon per transaction at most Kroger stores here in the Mid-South now. Some stores will not take a internet coupon over the value of $1.50.
NOTE THAT KROGER BOUGHT OUT Schnucks here in the Mid-South. Four of the Schnucks stores are re-opening as Kroger stores this Sunday, click here to read more!
There is a limit of 8 of the same coupon per transaction at most Kroger stores here in the Mid-South now. Some stores will not take a internet coupon over the value of $1.50.
Make sure to download all the eCoupons to your Kroger card. It's easy and can save you lots of money. Just visit Cellfire, Shortcuts, SoftCoin & Upromise.
Ecoupon Up-DATE:
Kroger does not allow the stacking of ecoupon and paper coupons. If you do not want to use the ecoupon (because you have a higher value paper coupon) I suggest taking off the ecoupon on your card (which is not possible with cellfire coupons) or giving your Kroger card last (stores in MS will not allow this). If you give your Kroger card last then your paper coupons will come off and not your e-coupons. Remember e-coupons do not double!
Why do you list more than 1 coupon on a product, I can only use one Manufacturer's coupon per item right?
Yes only 1 Manufacturers coupon per item, however I want you to know of all the coupons out there so you could get more than one item using different coupons.
Be sure and use the coupon database to look up other products you need but don't see in the sale ad and see if there is a coupon for it.
Click here to play the instant win game and win free product coupons that go directly to your card! Ends 9/24!!
Click here to play the instant win game and win free product coupons that go directly to your card! Ends 9/24!!
Hostess Snack Cakes $1.00BEST PRICE!
facebook coupon, Save, $.50
Final Price, $.50 (coupon is not doubling)
facebook coupon, Save, $.50
Final Price, $.50 (coupon is not doubling)
Mission Soft Taco Tortillas $1.50BEST PRICE!
Final Price, $1.00Driscoll Berries different Varieties $2.50BEST PRICE!
Sign up here for their newsletter receive coupon $.50
Final Price, as low as $1.50
Angel Soft Toilet Paper 12 double rolls (or 16 Big rolls) $4.99BEST PRICE!
(RP 8/14) Save, $.50
Final Price, $3.99
Kroger has a Kick Off to Savings Mega Event, YOU MUST BUY 10 items to Save, $5.00, the savings is already reflected in the prices listed below. Normally you can do 3 sets of 10 per transaction.
I will list as many items as I find the prices to and will add coupons as they become available please comment to this post if you know of some coupons or products I don't have listed.
Filler items (if you are having trouble getting to 10 items) I suggest grabbing:
Nabisco Go Packs $.49
Kraft Easy Mac or Velveeta Shells and Cheese Cup $.49
Deer Park Water, 3 Liter, $.69
Fuze $.69
Capri Sun or Kool-Aid Jammers, Select Varieties, 10 ct, $1.49
Smartwater &Vitaminwater $.75
Starbucks Coffee Bags $6.99
(SS 9/11 # 2) Save, $1.50
Final Price, $5.49
Horizon Organic Milk, Select Varieties, 3 pk, 8 oz, $1.99
sign up here for newsletter and get coupons sent to you
Final Price, Varies
Simply Orange Juice 12 oz-13.5 oz $.99BEST PRICE!
printable coupon Save, $1.00 (no longer available)
printable coupon Save, $1.00 (no longer available)
Final Price, FREE
Simply Orange Juice $2.99
printable coupon Save, $1.00 (no longer available)
printable coupon Save, $1.00 (no longer available)
Final Price, $1.99
Starbucks Via $5.49
(SS # 2, 9/11) Save, $2.00
Final Price, $3.49
Maxwell House Coffee $8.49
click here to sign up for newsletter and possibly get coupons
Final Price, Varies
Breakstone Sour Cream $1.99
Parkay Spray $1.09
Kraft Singles, Select Varieties, 16 ct, $1.99
Oscar Mayer Carving Board $3.49
(SS 8/7) Save,-$1/1
(SS 8/7) Save,-$1/1
Final Price, $2.49
Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunchmeat, Oscar Mayer Beef Franks (Select Varieties, 14-16 oz), $2.99
Oscar Mayer Bologna, Select Varieties, $1.49
Nestle Toll House Ready to Bake Cookies – $1.99BEST PRICE!
(9/11 RO) $1.00 Nestle Toll House Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Cookies – 9/11 RP
$1.25/2 Nestle Toll House Cookie Dough Printable
$0.55 Nestle Toll House Cookie Dough Printable
Final Price, As low as $0.99
(9/11 RO) $1.00 Nestle Toll House Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Cookies – 9/11 RP
$1.25/2 Nestle Toll House Cookie Dough Printable
$0.55 Nestle Toll House Cookie Dough Printable
Final Price, As low as $0.99
DiGiorno ,Select Varieties, $4.49BEST PRICE!
(RP 9/11) Save,$1/1
(RP 9/11) Save,$1/1
Final Price, $3.49
Armour Meatballs $2.49
Banquet Family Size Dinner Tray $2.69
Birds Eye Steamfresh Vegetables, Frozen, Select Varieties, 10-12 oz, $.99
Drumstick 4 ct cones $2.79
Edy’s Fruit Bars $3.49
Romano’s Macaroni Grill meals $5.49
-$1.50/1 printable coupon
-$1.50/1 printable coupon
Final Price, $4.49
Final Price, $5.99
Tyson Nuggets $4.49
(SS 8/21) Save, $1/1
(SS 8/21) Save, $1/1
Final Price, $3.49
Eggo Waffles $3.49
Marzetti Salad Dressing, Select Varieties, 12-16 oz, $2.49
(SS 9/11), (RP 7/31) Save, $1.00
Final Price, $1.49
Bull’s-Eye or Kraft Barbecue Sauce, Select Varieties, 18 oz, $.69
A1 Sauce $2.79
(SS 8/14) Save, $1/1
Final Price, $1.79
Barbara’s Cereal Select Varieties, 10-14 oz, 6 pk, $2.49
-$1/1printable Coupon
-$1/1printable Coupon
Final Price, $1.49
General Mills Cereal, Select Varieties, 8.9-13.8 oz, $1.99 (General Mills Cereals includes these Chex Honey Nut G-Free, Total, Reeses Puffs, Multi-Grain Cheerios, Frosted Cheerios, Original Cheerios, Lucky Charms, Cookie Crisp)
Boulder Canyon Potato Chips, Select Varieties, 5 oz, $. 99 BEST PRICE!
-$1/2 Boulder Canyon Potato Chips
-$1/2 Boulder Canyon Potato Chips
Final Price, $.49 each wyb 2
Butterfinger, Baby Ruth or Nestlé Candy, Select Varieties, 9.2-12.5 oz Bag, $2
-$1/2printable coupon
-$1/2printable coupon
Final Price,
$1.50 wyb 2
General Mills Cereal Treats, Fiber One Chewy Bars or Nature Valley Granola Bars, Select Varieties, 1-12 ct, $2.29
TONS of coupons Click here to see my database
Final Price, Varies
Laffy Taffy, Nerds or Wonka Mix-Ups Candy, Select Varieties, $1.49 BEST PRICE!
-$1/2 printable coupon
-$1/2 printable coupon
Final Price, $.99
Nature Valley Granola Bars, Nut Clusters, Sweet & Salty, Trail Mix, Yogurt & Granola Thins
click here to see my database
Final Price, Varies
Skinny Cow Candy, Select Varieties, 4.62-6 oz Box, $2.49 BEST PRICE!
-$1/1 printable coupon
(7/31) Save,$1/1
-$1/1 printable coupon
(7/31) Save,$1/1
Final Price, $1.49
Triscuit Nabsico Select Varieties $1.99
Cheez-It Crackers, Select Varieties,$2.25
Chips Ahoy Cookies, Select Varieties, 9.5-15.2 oz, $1.79
Will add more deal later.
Velveeta Cheesy Skillets $1.99 BEST PRICE!
(SS 8/21) Save, $1.00
Final Price, $.99
(SS 8/21) Save, $1.00
Final Price, $.99
Nutella $3.49
(RP 8/28) Save, $1.00
Final Price, $2.49
Lance Cracker Creations $2.50
(SS 8/21) Save, $1.00
Final Price, $1.50
Other Good Deals But No Coupons:
Please note that just because an item appears in the "sale ad" does not mean it is a good deal or at it's lowest price. For items in which there are no coupons but they are listed in the sales ad, I will only highlight the ones I think are a decent price. Note 10/$10 only mean this item cost a $1.00 you do not have to buy 10 of anything, so I will list these items at their cost which is $1.00 each.
Wonder Bread $1.00
White Seedless Grapes $1.28/1lb
Roma Tomatoes $1.18 lb
Kroger Value Onions $1.99 per 3lb bag
Lemons or Limes 2 lb bag $3.00
Valencia Oranges 4lb bag $3.00
Armour LunchMakers $1.00
John Morrell Hot Dogs, Bologna or smoked sausage $1.00
Assorted Pork Chops, Moist & Tender, Bone-In, $2.49/lb
Ground Round, Fresh, USDA Inspected, $3.69/lb
Kroger Fully Cooked or Turkey Bacon, 2.1 to 12 oz, 2 for $5
Perdue Whole Fryer Chicken, $.99/lb
Tyson Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts, $1.99/lb
Kroger Fruit Snacks (with Curious George etc) $1.00
Kroger Brand Broths (Chicken, Beef etc.) $.50

Don't Miss a Thing, Subscribe NOW!
*Please support this site by using the provided links when ordering from your favorite places or printing your coupons. Thank you!
My Memphis Mommy... the $2 off tide coupon is for the powder not the liquid.
Thank you so much I looked at that coupon and read it and so thought I saw liquid or powder and hten I saw your comment and I was so convinced I must have a different coupon but nope it says powder ;0) thanks so much for catching that and sharing!!
yplt yogurt 4 pk .49after .50 coupon doubles
I noticed the same thing with the Tide being only for powder detergent, but I see someone beat me to it.
P.S. - There is a 1.00 Liquid Tide ecoupon you can load on your plus card off Kroger's website.
These mega savings events usually last 2 weeks, right? I'd rather do a big shopping trip next week, but I don't want to miss out on deals.
Thanks for the heads up on the pizzas. I'm begging everyone for their Digiorno's coupons to stock up. Less than four dollars to feed my family excites me!! :)
Yes the Mega Event is 2 weeks long so you ahve time!
I was wondering where you get the prices for your match ups? I was at macon/houston levee yesterday and the digiorno pizzas were 4.79 not 4.49 and the lance crackers weren't on sale they were 2.99 each. I went ahead and got them since I only grocery shop once a month but was wondering if they had the prices wrong?
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