Have you created a memory book using Shutterfly before? We have many times! We made a Shutterfly book for both our girls for their birthdays this year and have given them as Christmas gifts to our parents. I was thrilled when Shuttefly contacted me and asked if we would like to create a book using their new "Custom Path" feature. This new feature provides you with a suite of helpful tools and a variety of layout options to customize a book to your pictures. The Custom path allows you to create much more than a photo scrap book, with options for creating everything from wedding albums to personalized story books to even family recipe books. My husband found it very easy to use the custom path tools and he created a beautiful book for his family.
They also have a "simple path" for those in a hurry. There are fewer tools & formats available in this path to make it easier to navigate. One nice feature is that it will automatically sort and layout your photos by date and it will provide you an auto-generated book to start with, if you so choose. Using the easy path, you can generate a photobook in a matter of minutes. However, if you have a definite vision for your book, you should probably consider the custom path.
Shutterfly is quick too. We received our book approximately a week after it was created, beautifully hardbound and just as we had designed.
If you have never tried Shutterfly, but have pictures "stacking up" on your camera/computer, enter the giveaway for a chance to win a free 8X8 hardbound photo book for you design. Shutterfly is offering 3 free books, so enter for a chance to win.
Follow the instructions in the link below to enter the giveaway. Please tell us what you would do with a free photobook from Shutterfly? What event, celebration, occasion or project would you feature in your photobook? Share your comment below on this post, and click the giveaway to enter your information for contest. Note: You must leave comments related to this giveaway on this site and not the Facebook site. Also note that all comments are monitored and will not immediately appear once entered.
Giveaway runs till noon on 8/10/11. Winners will be notified that evening. Winners will be responsible for shipping and handling. (ours cost around $7.95)
Disclosure: I received a free Shutterfly photo book, however the opinions expressed in this piece are mine alone.

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I would give a gift to my sister who has recenlty adopted and has no prints of the children. Their bdays are coming up and would be a great gift! Buffy Mills
If I won a book from Shutterfly, I would make a book for my daughter's first day of school.
This sounds like fun! ive been meaning to do a scrapbook , and i have 2 and a half years of pics stacking up.lol Would looove to win this shutterfly book! I like easy and i like fun!
I would make a Shutterfly photobook for my parents as a gift for Christmas.
Lindsay J
S. Moske
Great giveaway!!
I would finally print out all the photos from summer vacation''
H. Glissen
My grandmother's 90th birthday is coming up and I would love to fill up the book with pictures of her 90 years here!!
I'd love to create a Shutterfly book about the birth of our first child. He was born in May and things are just slowing down enough to think about putting something together. I've never used Shutterfly before but I've heard great things about it!
M. Gaschler
I had my 2nd child back in March and I would love to make a book with her and her big brother!
I would make a photo book about my whole family to give to my dad who is going to be 92 years old!
From: Maryann
twinkle (at) optonline.net
I would use the free photo book to make an album for my grandmother documenting our family reunions for the past 3 years. She has lost 2 grandsons in the past 2 years to senseless violence and I would like to be able to give her something to commemorate the good times.
L. Ellis
I absolutely LOVE Shutterfly. Aside from pictures in frames, I do not print pics. I download them to the comp. and upload them to Shutterfly. I am about 1 year and 3 months behind in keeping up w/ albums, but this is how I compile our family pics. So I have my first daughter's third year of life and my newborn's first 3 months to chronicle.
Kathryn Crider
If I won this free book, I would make a memory book of my two little girls. They are growing up so fast and I love looking back at old pictures of my babies.
I would make the book for my parents. They live far away and miss their granddaughters so much!!!
Love shutterfuly! Would make a book for my mom...loves getting bokks full of the girls pictures!!!
Since I go to Belize each year for mission work, I would love to have a way to keep all the pictures each year in a hard bound book to bring back and show them pics of themselves.
I would love to give a book to my husband - he is constantly taping pictures to his wall at work and this way he could have them all in a nice bound book.
I love ordering photo books for my grandmother. She lives 3 hours away and doesnt get to see the grandkids as often as we'd like. She loves having the pictures organized into a book and flip through them, literally, EVERYDAY!
I. Love. Shutterfly.
I would love to create a book about my families vacations.
THANKS for the giveaway!
I would make a book for my parents for Christmas as they live out of state and aren't able to see my daughter as often as they would like. It would be a nice keepsake for them to have...
S. Campbell
I would love to give this gift away as a gift to my grandmother!
M. Zumbehl
As a mom to 3 boys. I would finally put there pictures together for a keepsake for out family :-)
I would love to win this awesome sounding prize! My 10 year old daughter got to go to Paris with her dadad this passed spring. He was nice enough to make me a disc with all the pictures of her on it, but by making a web album she could add her own descriptions and comments. We'd both cherish it!
I would chronicle my pregnancy and birth of our first child--who is 6 months now! Where has the time gone?!
I would chronicle my pregnancy and birth of our first child--who is 6 months now! Where has the time gone?!
My husband, children and I went back "home" for the first time in 5 years. It was the first time many of our family members had met our youngest child. It was a wonderful time and we have many fabulous pictures that I would love to put together into an album.
My Mom just recently passed away, so I would love to make a photo book for my Dad. Memories are especially precious to him right now. My Mom truly treasured her Shutterfly photo book of my son that displayed the first few months of his life :) Thanks for reading.
-A. Gilpin
I would love love love to win this and make a special book for my son and him starting a new school this year :) AprilR.
I would make a memory book of our family's trip to Disney! The kids love to look at the pictures over and over again on the computer, and I know they would love to look at a book even more!
I would make a memory book of our trip to Disney last fall as it will be awhile before we do it again.
My son's first birthday is in 4 weeks and we leave on a 10 day (road trip) vacation in 2.5 weeks. I'm going to be on the computer the whole time creating his baby book on Shutterfly. All his milestones from the past year along with his pictures. I want to have it ready for the final shots of when he dives into his birthday cake for the first time ever. I was always told by other parents that parenting was the most rewarding thing in the world, but I never could have imagined this life. My first born child has been the best gift I have ever received.
I also just used their custom path to create a recipe book for a cousin that is getting married on Labor Day. I downloaded all of their pictures from the 9 year relationship so far and used their pictures instead of food pictures and then put all of our family recipes in a book for them. I can't wait for them to see it.
My brother just got elected Senator! I would love to give him a book full of pictures that would remind him of all the hard work that he (and his family) put into being elected. He has met lots of wonderful people this summer! We are having a Victory Party soon for him and I think giving him a picture album would be GREAT!Thanks!
R Reeves
I would use it to make my son a book for his 8th Birthday. He decided he didn't want presents that he wanted to buy bullet proof vests for out towns K-9 Officers. He has raised enough money for 4 vests and an emergency heat detetion unit for one of the police cars. I would make him his own book.
If I won a Shutterfly photo book, I would make the book for my stepson. He doesnt get to visit us very often and he frequently forgets the fun stuff we do! I've made two for him already, up to the year 2009, but I really want to get the more recent pictures done.
C. Davis
I'd use it as a grandma gift for Christmas.
J Freehardt
I would love to get the book to document all of the fun things we did this summer! I have never gotten photo books from Shutterfly, but they have done our Christmas cards for years & the quality is always excellent!
We would make a book for my in-laws that live in Northern Iowa. They live 12 hours away and they have only been able to see our 9 month old son twice since he was born. The Shutterfly book would allow us to make a great picture book for them to keep up with how much he has grown over the last 9 months. I know this would mean the world to them!!!
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