Wow this is the best e-mail ever! I just received an e-mail from Kroger saying that instead of mailing via snail mail free product couopons and cents off coupons on items I buy the most from Kroger they have e-mailed them to me and I can download these coupons to my Kroger Plus Card! I think this is a brilliant cost saving move and I am thrilled!! However the link did not work for me and sent me to an error page. I am assuming they are just having issue with this new idea and I did e-mail them letting them know it didn't work. I know they will get the kinks worked out and I am super excited. look they offered me FREE CARROTS AND EGGS!! Woo-hoo! Now I just need the link to work ;0( Anybody else get this? And did yours work?

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I got one and my link didn't work either. =(
I got one, but my link worked... Hope yours works soon!
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