Walgreen’s August Coupon book will be available in stores starting this week. The coupons start 7/31 and run through 8/27.School Supplies & Electronics
$3/1 Expo Washable Dry Erase Markers 6pk (5611)
$20/1 Philips Portable DVD Player/Digital TV, 7 in (5653)
$1/1 Sharpie Pens 2pk (5610)
$1/2 Coffee-mate, 16oz (5619)
$1/2 DiGiorno Pizza, 12 inch (5616)
$1/2 Edy’s or Dreyer’s Ice Cream, 48oz (5618)
$1/2 Hot Pockets 4.5 or 10oz, Stouffer’s 9.6 to 12oz or Lean Cuisine, 9 to 11.5oz (5624)
$1/2 Juicy Juice, 8pk (5621)
$.50/1 Magnum Double Caramel Ice Cream Bar, 3.3oz (5651)
$.50/1 Nescafe Taster’s Choice or Clasico Instant Coffee, 7oz (5620)
$1/2 Poppycock, 7 to 8.5oz (5642)
$1/2 Skinny Cow Dreamy Clusters, 6 pouches (5617)
$3/1 L’Oreal Couleur Experte or Touch – On Highlights (5686)
$1/2 Revlon ColorSilk Hair Color (5685)
$3/1 Revlon Pedi Expert (5679)
$1/1 Revlon Tweezers or Brow Set (5684)
Personal Care
$1/1 eos Shave Gel, 7oz (5674)
$2/1 Kotex Tampons 36 or 50pk, Maxi Pads 28 to 40pk (5688)
$1/1 Nair Hair Removal Products (exc. nair for men) (5671)
$2/1 Neutrogena Men’s Skin Care or Shave Cream 1.7 – 5.1oz, Aveeno Shave Gel 7oz (5677)
$10/1 Norelco Multigroom QG320, Cordless or Corded Razor 7310 or 6940LC, Body Groomer 2020/31SM or Nivea for Men Razor HS8420 (5676)
$5/1 Norelco Trimmer QT4022, Hair Clipper QC5130 or Groomer G370 (5675)
$2/1 U by Kotex Tampons 18pk, Liners 50 or 60pk or Pads 14 to 18pk (5687)
$2/1 Veet Hair Remover, 5.1 to 13.65oz or Wax Strips for Legs & Body 40pk (exc. wax strips for face 20pk) (5670)
Dental Care
$1/1 Aquafresh Toothpaste 5.6 or 6oz or Iso-active toothpaste, 4.3oz (5658)
$10/1 Aquafresh White Trays, 14pk (5659)
$1.50/1 Biotene Oral Care 1.5 to 16oz (5656)
$1/1 Dentu-Creme, 5.75oz, Super Poligrip Cream, 2.2 or 2.3oz or 40pk Strips or Polident Tablets, 78 or 84pk (5666)
$7/1 Rembrandt 2 Hour Whitening Kit (5669)
$1/1 Sensodyne Toothaste 4oz or Iso-Active Toothpaste, 4.3oz (5655)
$2/1 Smart Mouth Advanced Clinical Formula Mouthwash 16.2oz (5668)
$2/1 Activ-On Pain Relief, 2oz (5806)
$3/1 Alavert Allergy Relief, 48ct (5727)
$1/1 Alaway Eye Itch Relief, .34oz (5730)
$1/1 Allegra Allergy Relief 15ct (5725)
$1/1 Answer Early Result Pregnancy Test (5698)
$1/1 Azo Supplements, 12 to 100ct, Itch Relief Cream 1 oz or Urinary Tract Infection Test Strips 3pk (5795)
$4/1 Claritin Allergy Relief 40 or 45ct (5724)
$2/1 Clean Eyes Complete, .5 or Maximum 1oz (5729)
$2/1 ClearEars Water Absorbing Ear Plugs, 5 pair (5789)
$5/1 Compound W Freeze Off Wart Removal, 8pk (5813)
$2/1 Freeze Away 7pk Tinactin .5 or 4.7oz or Lotrimin .42 to 5.3oz (5808)
$2/1 Hyland’s Calms Forte 32 or 50ct (5793)
$1/1 Hyland’s Earache Drops, 10ml (5790)
$3/1 IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test (5711)
$1/1 Kaopectate Anti-Diarrheal Upset stomach reliever 80z (5805)
$3/1 Lamisil Cream or Spray .42 to 4.2oz (5809)
$2/1 Midol Pain Relief 20 or 24ct (5692)
$2/1 NasoGel Drip-Free Gel Spray, 1oz (5788)
$1/1 Pain Bust – R II, 3oz (5801)
$4/1 Pepcid AC 50 or 90ct (5822)
$2/1 Percogesic 60 or 90ct (5794)
$1/1 Prevacid 24 hour acid reducer 14ct (5804)
$2/1 Prunelax Laxative 60ct (5798)
$2/1 RevitaLens Multi-Purpose Solutions Single or 2pk 10oz each, Blink Tears .33 to 1oz, Blink Contacts .34 or .68oz (5781)
$1.50/1 SalonPas Pain Patch 5pk (5807)
$1.50/1 Sea-Band For Morning Sickness & Travel Sickness (5603)
$1/1 Similasan Nasal Allergy Relief Spray, .68oz (5728)
$1/1 SinuFlo Ready Rinse Nasal Wash, 8oz (5783)
$3/1 Sinus Rinse 100pk refills or Nasaflo Neti Pot 5oct packets (5782)
$3/1 Zantac Acid Reducer 65 or 80ct (5796)
Baby & Child Care
$1/1 Fleet Naturals Aloe Enema 2pk, Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies, 60ct, or suppos. 6pk (5723)
$2/1 Huggies Wipes 184 or 216pk (5717)
$1/1 Little Tummys Gas or Laxative Drops 1oz or Fiber Gummies 60ct (5722)
$1/1 PediaSure Nutritional Drinks 4 or 6pk 8oz ea. (5718)
Diabetes Supplies
$5/1 BD Ultra-Fine Lancets 33G 100pk (5819)
$10/1 OneTouch Delica Lancing Device (5818)
$30/1 OneTouch Ultra2 Blood Glucose Monitor (5816)
$2/1 OneTouch UltraMini Blood Glucose Monitor (5817)
$35/1 OneTouch UltraSmart Blood Glucose Monitor (5814)
$1/1 Cottonelle 12 Large Rolls (5614)
$1/1 Glad Trash Bags, 25 to 80pk, 13 or 30 gallon (5615)
$.50/1 Kleenex Facial Tissue 4pk Upright Bundle, 60 sheets (5612)
$1/1 OFF or Raid Products (5654)
$1/1 Viva Paper Towels, 6pk (5613)
“W” Products
$5/1 Wal-Fex 24 Hour Allergy Relief 150ct (2128)
$5/1 Wal-itin Allergy Relief 90ct (2129)
$1/1 Wal-Zyr 14ct or Wal-itin 20ct Allergy Relief (2127)
$1/1 W Antibacterial wipes 40 sheets (2124)
$10/1 W Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor Arm or Wrist (2132)
$.99/3 W Chap-Aid Lip Balm, .15oz (2131)
$10/1 W Instant Ear Thermometer (2125)
$5/1 Walgreens Super Probiotics 60ct or Immune Support Plus Probiotics 30ct (2130)
$10/1 W Temple touch Thermometer (2126)
Thanks, Wild for Wags

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