Do you buy your inserts from a service? I know many people who do because you can get higher value coupons. Well it looks like there is a new major development that everyone needs to keep an eye on because yesterday 2 sites posted yesterday that they are temporarily unable to process new orders.
One actually sent this email to customers explaining the situation.
As many of you know I am a newspaper manager. We received emails today from our corporate office regarding coupon distribution and disposal.
Apparently Red Plum, Smart Source and P&G are filing suit against eBay for allowing the buying and selling of coupons. They are also in talks regarding the same with TLC. According to them it`s all considered coupon fraud.
Before, we were allowed to give away the leftover q`s and those returned from papers that did not sell. We must now destroy all leftover inserts immediately. Newspaper employees are allowed to take home ONE insert per family member , per household.
They are going to do everything possible to make it almost impossible to get coupons without buying the actual newspapers. They are also going to shut down all online sites that sell whole coupon inserts.
So, it appears MAJOR change is coming.
Whole Coupon Inserts posted the following statement on their Facebook page:
I was contacted by, a representative from, SVP News America Marketing, GM Smart Source iGroup. After looking into sources of our supply, I received an email back stating that “As long as you are buying the newspapers at retail rates or subscriber rates, I don’t believe there is an issue”.
So for those who get their inserts through legitimate sources don’t have anything to worry about. For those that buy them off eBay or some sites where their acquisition of inserts is unknown, there may be a huge change.
What do you think?
Information via ~ Green Bay Consumer

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I believe many of these changes being implemented are due to the misuse of coupons depicted on TLC's show. the show is very unrealistic and many unknowing 'newbies' are trying to shop like these people. I think TLC's show is ruining couponing for the rest of us who use coupons as intended.
I have not bought from any of those online sellers. We are new to this coupon shopping (like a week new) but I thought about buying online because I thought it would just be ok since alot people do that. Now I know. Good thing I have really bought from them yet. We have sunday papers and all you magazines and online printing, I guess that would be enough.
I agree!
I had to see the manager at Kroger today just to use an internet-printed manufacturer's coupon for $1.00 (which is clearly allowed in their posted policy). After arguing the point with him, he allowed me to use it but I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth it! Geez!!!!!
This is abunch of bull. I think it is because of Extreme Couponing as well. Everyday it seems like it is something bad happening to coupons! >:/
I will start off by saying I have never purchased inserts/coupons online. You also have to figure the amount you spend on them into the deal...I live in Arkansas and we have a sales tax on all groceries so NOTHING is absolutely free. For me it just doesn't budget out...especially with gas prices these days and the additional trips you have to make to each store.
I have noticed a long list of things that have changed before and since that show for us here. A few things I see:
1. The coupon inserts and coupon sites are not offering close to the amount of coupons or the value they used to. (and good for you if you can get to a site fast enough to get a printable!)I haven't gotten Red Plum inserts for well over 2 years...not sure why that is.
2. Many stores have changed their coupon policies to try to keep you from using your coupons the way they were originally intended to be used.
3. Half the time deals that are being blogged (no offense to bloggers, you are just doing your job and what you love!) you can't even find because (as I see it) the organized hoarders are emptying the shelves!
4. I have trouble finding a newspaper that actually has coupon inserts in it because people are steeling them (sad I know but it is happening a lot everywhere). Stores are even having to pull the coupon inserts out and leaving them behind the counter. You don't get them until you pay for the paper...yes this is for real! They are also putting an end to the inserts in the papers in the outdoor news stands here.
It's really sad to see it happen this way, but I blame it on the show. I quit watching because it made me ill! I hope to see all of the issues resolved one day and a better system. I would love to have a loadable card (RP, SS, etc.) but not sure how that would work. Okay I am done griping now! Lol :) This is only my opinion, not all will agree!
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