The Coupon Information Corporation, also known as the CIC, has just announced that the $2/2 Listerine, Stayfree, Carefree, Zyrtec, Aveeno, Band-Aid, Neosporin Coupon has been listed as a counterfeit coupon.
This coupon was listed in some of our weekly advertisments. Although countless hours are spent checking and double checking coupons to make sure they are available for use this coupon threw me for a loop (at least finding out that it was counterfeit did) because it printed through the bricks program and appeared to be like every other coupon that we find and print on a normal basis. I am so sorry for this…
If you printed this coupon please destroy it because retailers will not be reimbursed for the use of this coupon. If you purchased items with this coupon I recommend taking them back to the retailer where you purchased the items.
Now you may be wondering why any one would create counterfeit coupons – that is an answer that I have yet to figure out – it’s kind of like internet virus’s there is really not a good reason why this happens.
Here are a couple of resources to verify if coupons are legitimate:
You can determine if a coupon is legitimate by checking the Veri-fi code on the coupon. This code is located under the expiration date on the coupon. You can check those codes at Veri-fi.com.
You can also check the CIC website or contact the retailer. I had to do that this weekend with a Tide coupon and although I have yet to find out the answer to my question – it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Again sorry for the inconvenience!!
Thanks Kim for the write up!
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