Today is "operation get space for baby ready". We are going to shampoo the carpet and you know my theory always look up the company web-site, and facebook page and see what coupons, deals, newsletter sign ups you can find!
Click here and sign up for their e-mail newsletter and get a $5.00 off rental coupon and a $3.00 of carpet cleaner!
If you find any great coupons while searching for your own needs please, pass them onto me so I can share them with all the Memphis Mommy Readers!
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*Please support this site by using the provided links when ordering from your favorite places or printing your coupons. Thank you!
Wonderful! This is just what I needed. I have a small dog at home that isn't as housebroken as I thought.
E. Kersting
thanks for the coupon! my husband didn't think i could find a coupon ...but ladies you proved him wrong!
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