Make sure to download all the eCoupons to your Kroger card. It's easy and can save you lots of money. Just visit Cellfire, Shortcuts, SoftCoin & Upromise. eCoupons can be stacked with a manufacturer coupon, but will not double. This varies location to location as Kroger is slowly implementing new policies. Be sure and use the coupon database to look up other products you need but don't see in the sale ad and see if there is a coupon for it.
Please e-mail me, mymemphismommy@gmail.com or make a comment on facebook or to this post if you see other deals!
Read this Post on understanding the Kroger receipt and making the most out of the Mega Sales!
Don't forget there is an AWESOME Kroger Instant win game, where the prizes you win go directly to your card!! Play it daily!!!
Sales Match Up:
Save $5 At Checkout when you buy any 10 Participating Products, prices reflect discount:
Johnsonville Bratwurst or Italian Sausage $3.99
Printable Coupon Save $.55 (Smoked Sausage)
Printable Coupon Save $.55 (Italian Sausage)
Final Price, $2.99
Tyson Any'tizers $6.99
(1/23 SS) Save $1/1
Final Price, $5.99
Toaster Strudel $1.99
Kroger eCoupon Save $.55/2
Printable Coupon Save $.50/2
Final Price, 2/$2.43
I would love to hear of the great deals you find @ your Kroger! Please share them with me!!!
Thanks My Music City Mommy for this week's match up!!Hunt's Tomatoes $.49 *HOT*Johnsonville Smoked Sausage $3.99
(1/23 SS) Save $.45/3
Printable Coupon Save $1/3
Printable Coupon BOGOF when you share with three friends
All You Mag Jan Issue Save $1/3
Final Price, 3/$.49
Rotel Tomatoes $.49 *HOT*
(1/23 SS) Save $.30
All You Mag Jan Issue B3G1F
Final Price, FREE
Progresso Light, Reduced Sodium or High Fiber Soup $.99
(1/16 SS) Save $1/4
Kroger eCoupon Save $.50/2
(1/2 GM) Save $1/4
Final Price, 4/$2.46
Hormel Chili $.79
Printable Coupon Save $.55/2
Final Price, 2/$.58
Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese $.99
Printable Coupon Save $.50/2
Final Price, 2/$.98
Kleenex Facial Tissue $1.29
Printable Coupon Save $.50/3
(1/2 SS) Save $.50/3
Final Price, 3/$2.67
Kellogg's Cereal $1.99
(1/2 RP) Variety of Coupons
Printable Coupons Variety
Final Price, Varies
California Pizza $4.97
(12/5 SS) Save $1/1
Final Price, $3.97
Garden of Eatin' Tortilla Chips $1.49 *HOT*
Printable Coupon Save $1/1
Final Price, $.49
Horizon Organic Milk $1.99
Printable Coupon Save $.55
Final Price, $1.44
Regular Sales:
Butterfinger Snackerz 2/ $1.00 (on sale until 2/15) *HOT*
printable coupon $1.00
Final Price, 2 FREE
Dannon Yogurt $1.88
(1/2 SS-2) Save, $.40
Final Price, $1.08
Johnsonville Bratwurst or Italian Sausage $3.99
Printable Coupon Save $.55 (Smoked Sausage)
Printable Coupon Save $.55 (Italian Sausage)
Final Price, $2.99
Tyson Any'tizers $6.99
(1/23 SS) Save $1/1
Final Price, $5.99
Toaster Strudel $1.99
Kroger eCoupon Save $.55/2
Printable Coupon Save $.50/2
Final Price, 2/$2.43
I would love to hear of the great deals you find @ your Kroger! Please share them with me!!!
Don't Miss a Thing, Subscribe NOW!
*Please support this site by using the provided links when ordering from your favorite places or printing your coupons. Thank you!
1 comment:
@ Kroger, Weight Watchers bakery items (they keep these in frozen section) $2.39-1.00 ecoupon-1.00 printable=0.39
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