Special K just released a new challenge for 2011 - and with it comes some pretty awesome coupons! We love Special K cereal and we eat cereal every day.
After designing your 2 week plan (takes 2 minutes really) Go here to print off a B1G1 FREE coupon for Special K! Make sure after the first one prints you hit the back button on your browser and it will print off another one. Print limit is 2 per computer.
You also have to sign up for the K-Pass (sends you emails with special offers) unless you have already done so for any other Kellogg's product in the past.
Now - here is a great way to use this coupon - scenario compliments of IamTHATlady!
There is a great deal at Rite Aid this week on Kellogg’s Cereal, here is the scenario:
Buy (4) Kellogg’s cereal @ $4.79 (If you have a Wellness Discount, this price will be lower)
- Use (2) B1G1 FREE Special K coupons
- Pay $9.58 OOP (out of pocket)
- Earn $5 +UP reward back for purchasing $15 in Kellogg’s products
- Earn (4) $1 + UP rewards for purchasing (4) Special K cereal
- Final price = 58¢ for all 4 boxes!!!! (or lower if you have a 10-20% wellness discount on reg price items!
Don't Miss a Thing, Subscribe NOW!
*Please support this site by using the provided links when ordering from your favorite places or printing your coupons. Thank you!
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