Above photo is of Shana and Terri Richardson (Sales and Marketing Director for Dunkin Donuts)! We have some exciting things in store for My Memphis Mommy readers, read below and let me know what you think!!
Do you hate wasting coupons? I know I do! While I use a TON of coupons there are a ton that I don't end up using and I can only leave so many sitting on a store shelf without being accused of littering ;0) I know there are coupon swap groups already up and running in different towns (if you are a part of one and would like to share that info, we would love to know about it). Since the open of the new Dunkin Dontus in Mid-Town, My memphis Mommy has a wonderful partnership with them. Their Mid-town location is huge with lots of tables, they have given the green light that we could do a "Meet-up" there in January! You can bring your kids, a donut will keep them a little occupied ( I can bring some crayons etc). And of course bring your coupons that you don't need, if you don't have alot come anyway we of course we will have the chance to chat about coupons and savings and I will do my best to answer any questions you have about couponing!! I will also do a giveaway for anyone who comes of some yummy Dunkin Donut Stuff-Woo-Hoo!! We can fix a flexible time where people can just drop in. So here is my question, how many people are interested, and what date and time do you suggest??? I am willing to do this but I need people to actually show up!!!!!! Leave a comment here or on facebook or e-mail me your suggestion then I will make the announcement soon of the date and time. E-mail Shana @ mymemphismommy@gmail.com. This would be completely free but I would just ask that you buy a coffee or a donut while you are there, and trust me me when you smell the delicious aroma you will totally want to buy something!!! Can't wait to see the response to this and hope we have the interest to do it!!!
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*Please support this site by using the provided links when ordering from your favorite places or printing your coupons. Thank you!
Great Idea! I will definitely try to make it.
I would love to try it!
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