Do you have tons of coupons that you do not use and hate seeing them go to waste? Are you part of a group that meets up to swap coupons and you would welcome others to join you?
I have been receiving many e-mails asking me about Midsouth area coupon swap meet-up info. I know several of you do this, so if you would comment to this post with your meet-up info or e-mail shanathesavvyshopper@gmail.com or let me know if you would be interested in meeting up.
I would be willing to meet up once a month at for example McDonalds at Trinity (in Cordova) or the McDonalds off of Hwy 64 (near the Mall) on a Monday morning? Let me know your thoughts on this and the time you could meet and we will make this happen! I am sure this will bring up alot of discussion on facebook so be sure and check out My Memphis Mommy on Facebook.
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I would suggest doing the Trinity location. For moms like me that would have kids with them, they have a play place.
The Trinity location is better for me. Once a month is good. Monday morning, I don't know. I work from home & that's a busy morning. Monday afternoon or Friday morning could work. I save my diaper, baby, and cat coupons for others.
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