BumpyName Orbit Labels were designed by a parent to make other parents' lives simpler. They are a unique and practical solution for labeling containers with your child's name or any name. They were created for labeling children's drink containers after traditional methods of labeling had failed. Parents no longer have to contend with sticky residue from adhesive labels, peeling and faded labels or rewriting on cups with a permanent marker that isn’t so “permanent” when handled or placed in the dishwasher.
This product also aids in minimizing the spread of germs, thus having a healthier child. The labels can be personalized with a second line of text that is great for listing allergies, phone #, etc.
BumpyName Orbit Labels are easy to use – just stretch around the container and release for a snug fit.
BumpyName Orbit Labels can withstand the rigors of repeated dishwashing, microwaving, boiling and sterilizing all while maintaining a clear personalization of a name on a container. They were designed to fit the traditional 4 ounce baby bottle (Gerber, Playtex) and can stretch to accommodate larger sport bottles (up to approximately 30 ounces).
They are reusable, so as children progress from baby bottles to sippy cups, the BumpyName Orbit Label can simply be removed and placed on the new container. They also serve as a wonderful grip for children learning to hold their drink containers.
BumpyName Orbit Labels are not only for children! They are ideal for adolescents, pre-teens, college bound students and adults. They are great for those individuals that attend camps, members of a sports team, band, dance team, cheerleading, boy scouts, or girl scouts. These labels are great for labeling personal toiletry items, sport bottles, and even flashlights. They are also fantastic for those working adults that just struggle keeping their snack and drink containers (soda cans, plastic soda bottles and water bottles) in the office refrigerator.
BumpyName Orbit Labels work great on not only drink containers but other items such as: shampoo, conditioner, hair spray, hair gel, snack containers, sunscreen, body wash, flashlights, travel coffee cups, creams, and lotions. It is a unique, durable and versatile method of labeling and identifying your belongings.
InchBug is the maker of BumpyName Orbit Labels. Our customers can find us by utilizing the following search terms: bumpy name, bumpy names, bumpy labels, inch bug, inchbugs, baby bottle labels, sippy cup labels.Theses labels cost $12.95 and on Facebook there is a code "seppar" you can save 10% if you use it before the 30th of Sept.
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I LOVE INCHBUG! They are dishwasher safe and perfect for keeping the little ones cups labeled for school and church! I'd love to have more!
I love these!! These are great for the kids and makes my life a lot easier! Robin
I would love to have some of these for the baby's cups. Thanks!
These would be great for my son.
I would LOVE some inchbug labels for my 5 month old daughter!! They are so cute, and she could definitely use them for her bottles since she's going to Parent's Day Out now :)
What a cute little idea! Would love to try a set of these to see how they work. Then if I like I can get a set for everyone in the house. Kim - KKJ
I love these labels! I need to order new ones for my son!
I love these labels! I need to order new ones for my new son!
These labels look great! I would love to use them for my daughter!!
I have been looking for something like this for my children's cups. Great idea!
I love the orbit labels and actually already use them! I could totally use another set though :)
I have never seen these before. They are great! I would love to have some!
I had never heard of these before either, I think these would be great on my son's drink for his soccer game!
my friend gave me some of these as a baby shower gift &&& i love them! would love to win some to have some more!!!
h_womble05 [at] hotmail [dot] com
my friend gave me some of these as a baby shower gift &&& i love them! would love to win some to have some more!!!
h_womble05 [at] hotmail [dot] com
I have always wanted these for my triplets & now that they started MOPS, I need them!
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