Dr. Michele Borba has written over 23 books and has appeared on all the major networks and shows because of her parenting expertise. Shana was contacted and give the opportunity to interview via phone and asked some of the questions readers submitted.Thanks so much for submitting your questions and I am sorry I couldn't ask them all, I hope what I did get to ask helps!
First I have to say that her latest book The Big Book of Parenting Solutions is my kind of book. It is topical so you don't feel like you have to sit down and read it cover to cover most of us so do not have that luxury. She takes on all topics and approaches it in three stages 1. Intervention, 2. Rapid Response, and 3. Developing Habits for change. So you can look at a topic like biting for instance and see how you might be able to prevent it, or if it is already occasionally occurring then rapid response. This book is filled with resources and amazing guidance. Look at the end of this post to see how you can enter to win a copy!
Question: My oldest just started kindergarten when should I start thinking about college?
Answer from Dr. Borba: NOW! Even for my 3 year old, she suggested Upromise Mastercard through Bank of America program that gives you 1% on all your purchases toward college savings. She also suggested explaining this to the kids as you make purchases that you are saving for WHEN (not if) they go to college someday. To emphasize on saving and of course with "credit cards" you can have it come straight out of your banking account so you are not incurring charges etc.
Question: How do parents decide age appropriate chores?
Answer: She had alot to say on this topic. She suggested to not focus on the age as much as thinking about that individual child. She also suggested that as parents we should not expect that the child knows how to do the chore. We should first demonstrate the chore how we expect it to be done, then the next time do the chore with the child, then the third time have the child do it on their own and then increase the level of the chore as time goes on. She suggested regardless of age "starting from the beginning". If your 11 old doesn't put their laundry in the hamper you can't expect them to their own laundry or fold it etc. Start with the expectation of laundry in the hamper and graduate up.
Question: How do you deal with kids and anger management?
Answer: First observe your child and watch for triggers, look for patterns (do they seem to have anger episodes when they don't get as much sleep, or right before a test, etc.)
Step 2 Make your child aware of the patterns you have observed. "When you don't get enough sleep you seem more angry".
Step three try to reduce the triggers, and patterns and help them find coping mechanisms and replacements for their angry behavior.
Her web-site and blog has lots of resources that parents can access on a variety of topics. She will also be appearing on the Today Show Monday with topics especially related to back to school.
Thanks so much to Dr. Borba for letting me interview her and for the latest copy of her book! So would you like to win a copy of this almost 700 page book?
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great job on the site
Night terrors and how to soothe the child that has them.
Solutions breaking the sleeping with parents cycle.
Maybe the GREATEST post that I read all year :D
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